Monday, December 28, 2015

Countdown to Rebranding!

Is it really December 28? Where did all that time go?!? There are still so many things left on my to-do list so today's blog post is going to be SHORT! I'm putting the finishing touches on my new website, making sure all the logistics will run smoothly on January 1, prepping blog posts for the LAST WEEK OF 2015, and so much more! I'm only on my first cup of coffee today and this Monday is already proving to be a test! I slept in today because I crossed some things off today's to-do list last night, (don't you LOVE when that happens?!), woke up refreshed and excited for the day, then had a slight meltdown when a program crashed on me and I lost probably an hour of work, and now I'm jumping back in with both feet! So if I sound scattered... I am. But I'm excited about it. :)

It's going to be a busy week on the blog! Tomorrow I'll be sharing my favorite wedding moments of 2015! This was my first full year shooting weddings, and with each one, I could feel myself getting more and more comfortable with the flow of the day. There are so many moments captured that definitely deserve a second look!

Wednesday will be a post all about my favorite PORTRAITS from 2015! Families, babies, engagements and seniors, all celebrating a special time in their life! I love capturing portraits and can't wait to meet new clients in 2016.

On Thursday, I'll be sharing some favorite 2015 memories for Josh and me. This was the first year we lived in the same city and even the same house for the entire year, but we also traveled a LOT and made relationships with some amazing people. Get ready for some funny stories, gorgeous views, and a window into our crazy life that we love!

On Friday, we launch into 2016!!! Can you believe it?!? Of course you know what will be happening on January 1 --- Staley Photography will become Michelle Joy Photography in a full brand relaunch!!! I'll be describing all sort of fun and exciting things that will be happening in the coming months, and let me tell you, it's going to be a good year to be a #michellejoybride!!! I've recently reworked my wedding collection pricing to ensure that every couple receives the full Michelle Joy Experience, including 8 hours of wedding day coverage, 2 photographers, and a complimentary engagement session! I have several Ohio weddings and one Virginia wedding on the calendar for 2016, so brides, no matter where you are, I'll come to you!

Speaking of 2016 brides, my Facebook and Instagram feeds are filled with new brides-to-be who have sparkly new bling on their left ring finger! It takes me back to three years ago when that girl was ME! As a wedding photographer and a recent bride, I've learned a lot when it comes to wedding planning. So in January, I'm going to be launching a series of posts directed to brides who may be overwhelmed when it comes to the wedding planning process. There's so much to think about, everyone wants to help, and everyone is asking lots and lots of questions. Sometimes it's hard to just sit back and enjoy being engaged! We'll talk about how long it actually takes to plan a wedding (those Pinterest wedding planning timelines always made me feel like a failure...), what tasks to knock out first, tips for wedding day timeline planning, and how to know if you're doing too much! I can't WAIT to share what I've learned with all of you!

I said today's blog post was going to be short, so it's time to wrap it up and start checking things off my to-do list! Here are some pictures of my family visiting Columbus for Christmas, because what's a blog post without pictures?! It's been close to a year since the Wilson family has all been together, so of course we had to document it. In case you're wondering about our Christmas, here are a few quick highlights...

- Josh made a bacon-wrapped turkey that was absolutely delicious. He's making turkey soup today with the leftovers and I'm pumped.
- We got to play Santa's elves and sneak a giant TV into our friend's house as a surprise. We were pretty sure someone was going to call the cops on us, but thankfully everything turned out OK :)
- Coffee mugs were definitely the gift of the year. My mom and I both got two each!
- There is entirely too much food in my house. When I hunted for breakfast this morning, I had the choice of three kinds of cookies, pie, cereal, yogurt, or fruit. I may or may not have invaded the Whitman's Sampler sitting on our coffee table first.

Happy Monday friends! Enjoy your last Monday of 2015! :)
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