I posted on Instagram earlier this month about how we were working on a special project... well, mainly, Josh was working on a special project, but I helped! Last year, our church praise team recorded a cover of one of our favorite songs, Mercy Tree. We ran into a few roadblocks during the mixing process but Josh was finally able to get the track finished in February! We had introduced the song to the church last year at Easter, which had given us the idea to record it in the first place, and Easter was coming up again-- so why not unveil and release the recording on Easter Sunday with a MUSIC VIDEO?
So that's what we did! Here are some still shots of the filming process that I grabbed while taking a break from either singing or filming. And if you scroll all the way to the end... you'll find the MUSIC VIDEO! The video has over 600 views in less than 48 hours and I'm completely blown away, both by the quality that Josh was able to produce in such a short amount of time (less than three weeks!!), but also by the response! God gets all the glory for this and I'm so happy with what we were able to accomplish :)
Watch the video HERE! Or, click the link to watch it on Youtube!
Like what you hear? You can download the track for FREE on Noisetrade!
Or, come see us in person at FBC Groveport! Happy listening, friends! :)