Friday, November 6, 2015

Burns Family [Slate Run Park, Ohio]

It's hard for me to explain how much I adore Missy and Billy and their little family. They are close friends of ours from church, and they have two devious but precious little boys... I can't believe how big those kids have gotten! Anyway, I digress. These two play a significant role in Josh's and my life and we love them for it! Whether it's an early morning text from Missy (usually something about coffee or something funny the baby did) or a late night game on Xbox live (Josh and Billy, obviously), we are so grateful for their friendship! They love Jesus and selflessly serve those around them so much more genuinely then lots of people who are well beyond them in years. So when Missy asked me if I would take some family pictures for them, of course I responded with an enthusiastic YES! Although I may need her to make me some of her famous cookies, a pie, or maybe a cheesecake as a thank you... ;) Seriously, this girl can bake like a seasoned professional and she's not even halfway through her twenties. It's impressive! If you're looking for a sweet family to brighten your morning, look no further. Happy scrolling, friends!!! :)

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